About Us

The Maysville-Mason County Industrial Development Authority was created through an inter-local cooperative agreement in 1985 between the City of Maysville and Mason County, Kentucky.

Our Purpose and Mission

  1. The Authority was created to serve as the economic development and marketing agency for Maysville and Mason County by promoting the Maysville area as a national and international basis for new or expanding manufacturing projects.
  2. The Authority works with local businesses and local governments to develop the resources and infrastructure necessary to support its economic development program.
  3. The Authority also works in a supportive role for private developers.
  4. The Authority has two main goals:
    • To create new jobs and increase the diversity of jobs.
    • Expand the tax base of local governments.

Strategies, Tactics, and Targets to Accomplish Future Community Economic Goals:

  • Continue to build and support Maysville’s world-class local workforce.
  • Continuously Improve broadband access and connectivity throughout the area.
  • Continue to highlight and bolster our logistical advantages including
    • Location
    • Availability of Class 1 Rail
    • Ohio River access
  • Continuously improve strong relationships in Frankfort with the Cabinet for Economic Development, Workforce Development, and Department of Transportation. 
  • Focus on job expansion and retention within our local industries.
  • Promote regionalism for future development efforts.
  • Lead and support local allied economic and workforce development partners to promote and increase economic vitality in Maysville and Mason County. 
  • Highlight and promote available commercial buildings and sites to relocating entities.